Aman AlSharq Services


A wide variety of services designed to deliver the best consumer experience.


Auto detailing.

We have Fixology Aman Alsharq, an integrated auto detailing and car care shop offering a wide range of care products and protection.

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Vehicle Transportation.

Aman Alsharq offers outstanding channels for vehicle transportation, ranging from individual car carriers to eight-car carriers.

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Extended Warranty.

The extended warranty from Aman Alsharq incorporates a warranty period that provides a full warranty on consumers' cars.

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Roadside Assistance.

The Roadside Assistance service from Aman Alsharq facilitates any on-road emergence which enables our customers to move with ease.

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Customer Support.

We have our automotive customer support veterans team in-house.


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 Because we understand consumers' needs in the automotive sector, Our wide range of after-sales services will fulfill your customer's needs and exceed their expectations.

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